How long does an oil change take?

Having a car comes in handy, you get to your destination easily and the best part is that you can pick what music you want to play because it’s your car. As easy as all these seems, it is a huge responsibility to own a car. Buying gas is not the only thing you have to do when you have a car, there is also periodic maintenance. One of these is changing the oil of the car. We at Femco pride ourselves on making this oil change go as smoothly as possible while being environmentally friendly. Keep reading to find out how long an oil change takes.

Femco is a drain technology company that was established in the 1980s, Femco drainage items have been shipped to over 50 countries in all types of industries. Instead of the traditional drainage method, Femco goes a step further to make oil drainage easier by creating a unique set of drain technology tailored to different type of cars. In terms of experience and innovation, you can’t go wrong with Femco.

Why you need to change your car's oil

Although an oil change is a messy job, it is a necessary one. It is probably one of the most important routine maintenance you can perform for your car. It entails taking the old car oil and replacing it with a new one. If you are a new car owner, you should definitely make changing oil a habit. Now let’s see why the oil change is important for your car.


One of the most important reasons for a car to be constantly oiled is friction. The engine of a car has different mechanical parts that constantly move, this causes friction. An oil change will not only reduce the friction but will also make the parts of the engine move smoothly. Think of it as a lubricant. If you have a small machine that you frequently lubricate at home, you will definitely understand the difference a little oil can make.
Oil change will reduce the amount of heat your car produces because of friction. As a result of this, the car will run faster and smoother.

less car failure:

Did you know that cars can sometimes break down and cost a lot to repair? This is because of a lack of maintenance. Oiling a car engine will get rid of all the debris and dirt in the engine. This will extend the life span of your car and you will experience less car failure. You don’t have to buy a very expensive car to ensure that it lasts a long time. If you take care of your car, it will stick around for a while.

Save gas money:

An oil change saves a lot of gas money. I know, I know, it seems impossible but cars end up consuming a lot more gas than usual when the engine is not lubricated. Your weekly gas will start lasting for less than a week when your engine gets weak. A simple oil change will solve this problem easily.

Maintenance is important:

Lastly, it is a great opportunity for you to get some other work done. Have you noticed that when you decide to do some small maintenance on anything, It may be your laptop, furniture, office, rooms, or in this case, your car, it leads to a whole other bunch of maintenance. Immediately you open the hood of your car for an oil change. You may end up catching up on other maintenance.

The need for an oil change can be summed up as cooling, protection, and lubrication which in turn serves as the blood of the car giving your engine more life.

Tools needed to change your car's oil

If you have made up your mind to change your car oil by yourself, you will need some tools to make the work easy. Check out what those tools are.


different types of wrenches can be used for this job. There is the combination wrench, the ratchet, and the filter wrench. A combination end and ratchet wrench can be used to unscrew the drain plug and tighten it afterward. This will make the work a whole lot easier. The filter wrench is used to remove the filter to be replaced and also to install the new one.

The wrench also comes in different sizes and designs like the three-leg oil filter wrench,  Rubber strap oil wrench, Oil filter pliers, and Chain oil filter wrench. You should know the diameter of your drain plug to guide your purchase of the proper wrench. The most common drain plugs will need a 13mm or 15mm wrench so those are your safe options.

Drain Plug

drain plug is a term that you will see very frequently in this article. In fact, Femco specializes in manufacturing high-standard drain plugs that will last a long time. Some people change the drain plugs while changing the oil if it shows any sign of leaking. It is not necessary to have a new drain plug ready if you are sure your old one is still good. A drain plug locks in the oil in your engine, you remove it to drain the oil. Femco offers different types of drain plugs.

  1. Non-drip drain plug: this design focuses on not spilling a drop of oil in the draining or filling process. It can be used for either.
  2. Standard drain plug: this is the first type of drain plug introduced by Femco, it drains the oil in an environmentally friendly way.
  3. XL drain plug: the Femco XL series focuses on larger vehicles, they are larger and drain faster.
  4. Compact drain plug: this is the most suitable drain plug for vehicles low to the ground.
  5. Click drain plug: this drain plug has a clicker and an oil drain plug. When you click the clicker, the oil drains out.
Oil Change

Oil Collector

you can use an oil drain pan or a bucket for this. Its function is to collect the oil that drains from the engine. Opt for a wider, flatter collector as opposed to a taller one. It will need to be able to hold about a gallon of oil.

  • FUNNEL: this will be used to guide the pour of new oil into the engine. Instead of trying to maneuver the oil into the small hole, just stay on the safe side and use a funnel. It will pose a serious problem if you end up spilling oil in your car.
  • FILTER: for filters, it is usually out with the old and in with the new. You should get a new filter in handy because you will change it with every oil change
  • JACK STAND, CAR RAMP OR FLOOR JACK: you should only get under a car when it is being lifted by one of these. Only get underneath a car when you are sure that it is bring raised in a secure way. The best option is a car ramp, it is the safest way to raise your car and you get a lot of space to work with so you don’t end up feeling cramped.

To learn more about Femco products. Click here, to get the full brochure and choose the right size for your vehicle. Femco drain technology has got you covered.

How to change you car's old oil

Working on your own car is one of the most satisfying feelings ever. You get to save a ton of money if you maintain your car by yourself. In this section, we’ll take a look at the step-by-step process of changing your car oil. Femco encourages people to work on their cars by themselves. Don’t worry, you may even get to enjoy this process.

Before you even begin this process, make sure that all your tools are available. Because you are changing your car oil by yourself, try to buy all the above tools (some of which Femco offers). Also, get surgical or latex gloves to keep the dirt from your hand. Consult the manufacturer’s manual if you are not sure of how much oil you need for your car. Now, let’s begin and follow the next steps:


Lift your car using a floor jack, ramp, jack stand, or any other appropriate equipment. Do this carefully and safely using the points that are recommended by the car manufacturer. You are going to be working under the car so make absolutely sure that there is no chance of your car slipping. Some cars may have plastic under tray to protect the underside of the car. You are going to have to remove this plastic under tray before your work begins. It may be fixed with bolts and screws so it’s pretty easy to remove.


After making sure that there are no leaks from your vehicle. Place a container or bucket under the drain plug to collect all the old oil when you pull out the drain plug.


Loosen the drain plug using a wrench and then unscrew it with your hand. You should slowly pull it out after making sure once again that the container is directly under the drain plug. Getting oil everywhere is not only messy but dangerous because it is flammable.


Take out the old oil filter and replace it with a new one. As for the drain plug, if it is undamaged, you can continue using that same drain plug. Reinstall the drain plug but make sure it is not too tight or it may get damaged. Wipe the excess oil from under your car, replace the under tray, lower your car and you are done.


Getting rid of the old oil is one thing but that’s not the end of it. You have to replace the oil with the new one. This time, your task is not underneath your car. Lift the hood of your car and use a filter to fill the engine with oil.


Every car has a recommended oil volume so make sure that you don’t come short or exceed the level. Use your dipstick to check the oil level by first pulling it out to clean. Reinsert it until it seats at the base. Every dipstick should have a mark that shows the appropriate oil level. Pull out the dipstick to know if the oil level is below or above the mark.

When the engine oil level is too low, the car may overheat, when it is too high, you risk oil foaming and zero protection for your engine. It is important to put the correct amount of oil to avoid spending more than you saved while changing the oil on your own. Don’t forget to responsibly get rid of the oil, you can do this by taking the oil to your local recycling center. Irresponsible disposal may be harmful to the environment.

Changing car oil using the Femco oil plugs

The process states above us exactly what drives Femco products. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you will still get stained while changing your car oil. While using the Femco drain plugs, all you have to do is unscrew the dust cap, then attach the Femco drainer that has a hose connected to it. The valve opens up inside the car and the oil automatically runs freely. The drainer hose can be connected to a container.

While the previous process may take up to an hour, Femco cuts down this time significantly. You may not even have to raise your car if you can reach the drain plug. It is fast, efficient, environmentally friendly and Femco drain plugs are made with high-end materials like brass so that you can drain the oil at engine temperature.

How often should you change your car oil

Let’s face it, different cars have different recommendations for how often an oil change should take place. It used to be a standard after-3000 miles rules but now, you can get away with changing after every 5000 miles. This may be up to 6 months interval for each change. This information should be in your owner’s manual. If you cannot find your owner’s manual, you can check the Internet for an online version on the vehicle manufacturer’s page or ask your mechanic.

Every vehicle manufacturer has set up a recommended schedule for a car oil change, if you follow the schedule, you won’t have car problems. Some cars have an oil life monitor which shows the state of your oil. This is an even easier way of knowing when you should change your oil.

Your car oil may degrade faster if you take lots of trips. The weather condition may also affect the level of oil in your engine. Extremely hot and cold weather will cause you to change the car oil more frequently. If you’re fortunate enough to have the oil life monitor for your car, it will surely consider all these factors while recommending your next oil change.

Order your Femco oil drain plug now!

With this article, you now know the process of changing car oil and how long it can take. Femco cuts the time in half. With our special drain plugs, you can drain oil in 3 steps using the extractor pump. There are different designs of the drain plugs and angled drainer to suit a wide range of customers! Shop with Femco today to make the stressful car oil change a thing of the past.

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